Mon Jun 3 2024 14:27:00 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
75092 Calc editing ooo CLOS DUPL formulas with fixed location references get corrupted 2013-08-07
79035 Calc editing ooo CLOS DUPL Absolute cell reference becomes a range when draged 2013-08-07
79175 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Bug moving cell-references containing $-character: single-cell-reference is converted to a range-reference 2008-07-15
79427 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Cell reference changes to area reference when dragging 2007-07-10
80826 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL absolute reference broken after moving the link by mouse 2007-08-20
82928 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL worng results in dragging elements in formulas 2007-10-24
90534 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Using Drag & drop to edit absolute cell address creates improper ranges 2008-06-09
109757 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Absolute Reference turns to mixed absolute/relative array when moved 2010-03-03
8 issues found.


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