Back to issue 61274

Who When What Removed Added
lars_o_hansen 2006-01-29 13:53:36 UTC Status UNCONFIRMED NEW
Keywords oooqa
CC '' 'lars'
Ever confirmed 1
wolframgarten 2006-01-30 08:32:40 UTC Target Milestone --- OOo 2.0.3
Assignee wg sj
sven.jacobi 2006-02-02 12:27:09 UTC Assignee sj aw
Armin.Le.Grand 2006-05-16 16:02:48 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0.3 OOo 2.0.4
Armin.Le.Grand 2006-07-04 11:48:54 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0.4 OOo 2.x
norbert.notz 2006-08-14 23:05:29 UTC CC 'lars' 'lars,norbert2'
Armin.Le.Grand 2006-10-26 17:26:48 UTC Assignee aw mmp
pagalmes.lists 2007-04-07 19:32:20 UTC CC 'lars,norbert2' 'lars,norbert2,pagalmes'
nesshof 2008-01-27 07:48:15 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.x OOo 3.0
clippka 2008-05-23 13:13:28 UTC Target Milestone OOo 3.0 OOo 3.1
Assignee mmp fl
frank.loehmann 2008-05-23 13:47:42 UTC Assignee fl cl
frank.loehmann 2008-05-23 13:48:30 UTC CC 'lars,norbert2,pagalmes' 'fl,lars,norbert2,pagalmes'
nesshof 2008-05-30 08:57:28 UTC Depends on 90135
nesshof 2008-05-30 08:59:12 UTC Depends on 90135
nesshof 2008-05-30 09:00:13 UTC Blocks 90135
clippka 2008-08-13 12:30:49 UTC Assignee cl aw
Armin.Le.Grand 2008-12-10 14:56:59 UTC Target Milestone OOo 3.1 OOo 3.2
Armin.Le.Grand 2008-12-10 17:24:54 UTC Status NEW STARTED
Target Milestone OOo 3.2 OOo 3.1
Armin.Le.Grand 2008-12-17 12:56:01 UTC Assignee aw af
groucho266 2009-01-30 15:59:20 UTC Assignee af aw
Armin.Le.Grand 2009-01-30 17:51:38 UTC CC 'fl,lars,norbert2,pagalmes' 'cl,fl,lars,norbert2,pagalmes'
Assignee aw af
groucho266 2009-02-23 09:58:22 UTC Target Milestone OOo 3.1 OOo 3.2
groucho266 2009-02-25 12:16:27 UTC Assignee af cl
clippka 2009-04-17 10:36:32 UTC Resolution --- FIXED
clippka 2009-06-03 16:21:54 UTC Assignee cl wg
wolframgarten 2009-06-05 09:39:49 UTC Status RESOLVED VERIFIED
thorsten.ziehm 2009-07-20 14:52:00 UTC Status VERIFIED CLOSED
thorsten.ziehm 2009-07-20 15:35:06 UTC Status CLOSED REOPENED
Resolution FIXED ---
thorsten.ziehm 2009-07-20 15:39:40 UTC Status REOPENED RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
thorsten.ziehm 2009-07-20 15:43:59 UTC Status RESOLVED VERIFIED
wolframgarten 2009-07-21 07:47:49 UTC Status VERIFIED CLOSED

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